

Cross-space Writing in James Baldwin's Works
摘要 詹姆士·鲍德温是一位重要的非裔美国作家,他一生都在穿梭于欧洲与美洲大陆之间,试图把非裔美国人放在跨空间的背景下进行冷静地审视,并着力于讨论多重身份杂糅的非裔美国人在建构自我意识时遇到的种种挑战。詹姆士·鲍德温的跨空间写作对于其自我身份、种族身份及文化身份的意义建构都有着特殊意义,使他能够摆脱美国国内的种族仇恨,以更为开放的视角看待美国国内种族关系的发展趋势,重新肯定自我的非裔文化之根,从而达到从"边缘"向"自我"主体的强调和回归。 James Baldwin is one of the most important African America writers.He had been shuttling between Europe and Americas through his life,trying to look at African Americans through a crossspace perspective and focusing on the challenges faced by African Americans with multiple identities in constructing their self-consciousness.His cross-space writing has a special meaning for the construction of his self identity,ethnic identity and cultural identity.In doing so he can get away from the racial hatred in America and thus have a more open view of its race relations.He also achieved the affirmation of African cultural roots and the transgression from the "marginality"to "self-assertion"through his cross-space writing.
作者 俞睿
出处 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第1期85-89,共5页 Journal of Yangzhou University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(13YJC752030)
关键词 詹姆士·鲍德温 跨空间写作 非裔文化 自我身份 种族身份 文化身份 James Baldwin cross-space writing African-American culture self identity racial identity cultural identity
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