
西方传播学语境下的族裔媒体研究:总结与反思 被引量:1

Ethnic Media Research in the Context of Western Communication Studies:Summary and Reflections
摘要 进入新世纪以来,族裔媒体已成为西方传播学界新兴的前沿研究领域,然而国内学界对其关注还十分匮乏。本文通过回顾该领域的前沿研究成果发现:在族裔媒体研究中长期存在着功能主义分析与文化研究两大范式,占主导地位的研究范式是功能主义分析,其核心议题是媒介呈现、生产与消费,当下的热点问题是族裔媒体的在地性,主要缺陷是研究多站在西方发达国家的"本地"视角,忽视了族群的全球流动以及族裔媒体与少数族裔文化母国之间的联系。基于上述发现本文认为:来自中国等非西方国家的传播学者,未来应积极投入到对世界范围内族裔媒体的研究当中,以期纠正该领域现存的路径依赖,重塑族裔媒体研究的全球视野。 Ethnic media research has been one of the most important research frontiers in western communication studies since this new century. However, domestic research in this field is currently very little. By reviewing relevant forefront researches, this paper finds that there are two theoretical paradigms in it: functionalism and cultural studies. Media presentation, production and consumption are its key topics. Functionalism is the predominant research paradigm of ethnic media research. Localization is the hottest issue in this field. Neglecting the global flow of ethnic groups and the ties between ethnic minorities and their cultural mother countries is the main defect of ethnic media research in western communication studies. The communication scholars from China and other non-western countries should get into the swing of the ethnic media research in the future, in order to correct the path dependence and rebuild the global vision.
作者 梁悦悦
出处 《国际新闻界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期29-40,共12页 Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"中华文化的海外传播创新研究"(项目批准号:14ZDA056)的资助~~
关键词 族裔媒体 西方传播学研究 功能主义范式 在地性 现状反思 ethnic media, western communication studies, functionalism analysis, localization,reflections
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