
螺旋波等离子体推进器原理研究 被引量:4

The principle of helicon plasma thruster
摘要 电推进作为一种新型推进技术已受到国内外航天界的广泛关注,且已成功应用于卫星、深空探测器等任务。在众多电推进器中,螺旋波等离子体推进器以其无须电极、比冲大、使用寿命长、性能高等优点成为近年来人们重点研究的对象。文章首先从螺旋波等离子体推进器的发展历程、研究现状和发展态势等角度进行了系统介绍;然后对此种推进器的结构组成以及推进原理进行了阐述;并对几种典型离子加速方式进行了研讨;最后对螺旋波等离子体推进器的应用前景进行了展望。 The electric propulsion as a new aerospace technology has received an extensive attention in the space community all over the world. The electric thrusters were applied in satellites and other deep space probes successfully. Among the numerous electric thrusters, the helicon plasma thruster with its features of electrodeless, long life, high specific impulse and good performance, has become an important research object in recent years. This paper reviews the history, the present status, the development trend, as well as the structural components and the propulsion principle of the helicon plasma thruster. Some ion acceleration technologies are discussed. The prospect of applications is commented.
出处 《航天器环境工程》 2015年第1期1-8,共8页 Spacecraft Environment Engineering
基金 装备预研共用技术基金项目(编号:9140A20050514JW09301) 真空与低温国家级重点实验室基金项目(编号:ZWK1406) 中国博士后科学基金项目(编号:2013M541230) 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:11105023)
关键词 电推进 螺旋波等离子体推进器 推进原理 离子加速 electric propulsion helicon plasma thruster propulsion principle ion acceleration
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