
马克思《政治经济学批判大纲》中的空间思想 被引量:3

Marx's Spatial Thought of Grundrisse
摘要 《大纲》从总体性视野出发,阐明"现实的个人"不仅是社会性、历史性的存在,而且是空间性的存在。人的发展的三大社会历史形态就是不断打破空间界限,由"地域性的存在"向"世界历史性存在"转变的空间化过程。这种空间性变迁背后闪烁的是资本的魅影。马克思用"时间消灭空间"等经典命题对资本关系展开了空间批判,并且在资本的"创造性破坏"逻辑以及"流动性"与"自我固定化"的空间性矛盾中,看到了解放的希望。在后金融危机时代,"空间"被更多地赋予了自主性力量,如何正确地处理好时间与空间、生产辩证法与空间辩证法、历史解放与空间解放之间的关系,如何建构一种以历史唯物主义为基础的空间理论,对于回应西方激进左翼的理论诉求、诠释当下资本主义的生存境遇和增强马克思主义对现实问题的解释力都有着积极的意义。 From an overall perspective, the Grundrisse clarifies the real individual" is not only a social or historical existence, but also the spatial existence. The three major social and historical form of individual development continue to break the boundaries of space, by spatial transforma- tion process from"the regional existence'to" the world historical existence". Behind this spatial change flicker is the capital of the phantom of the opera. Marx launched spatial criticism to capital with "time shrinks space" and other classical proposition, and saw the hope of liberation from the "creative destruction" logical of the capital and the spatial contradiction of "liquidity" and "self immobilized", put forward the revolutionary slogans uniting the workers of the world. But com- pared to the "space", "history" is undoubtedly more fundamental dimensions of Marx's theory. In the post-crisis era "space" was more to give the independent forces today, how to correctly handle the relationship between time and space, the dialectics of production and the spatial dialec- tics, historical liberation and the liberation of the space, how to construct a spatial theory based on historical materialism, for the response to western radical leftist theory appeal, interpretation of contemporary capitalist survival and enhanced the Marxist interpretation to realistic problems has positive significance.
作者 王志刚
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期44-51,共8页 Teaching and Research
基金 江苏省社科基金青年项目"马克思主义空间正义理论及其当代价值研究"(项目号:14MLC002)的阶段性成果 "江苏大学青年骨干教师培养工程"资助
关键词 现实的个人 时间消灭空间 资本关系 空间解放 real individual time shrinks space capital relationship spatial liberation
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