
Integrated Analysis of the Trees and Associated UnderCanopy Species in a Subalpine Forest of Western Himalaya,Uttarakhand, India

Integrated Analysis of the Trees and Associated UnderCanopy Species in a Subalpine Forest of Western Himalaya,Uttarakhand, India
摘要 Subalpine forests are known as outstanding habitats due to co-existence of both temperate and alpine vegetation and are classic example of ecotonal zones. Limited but diverse physiognomy of trees inhabiting in subalpine forest results in variability within under-canopy habitat conditions. Studies were undertaken to assess population status, habitat preference and interferences to the trees and associated undercanopy herbs in a subalpine forest of western Himalaya. A total of 10 woody and 23 under-canopy herbs were recorded in the selected subalpine forest area. At each stand, the number of tree species and under-canopy herbs ranged from 2 to 4 and 8 to 10 respectively. Abies spectabilis, Acer caesium, Quercus floribunda, Q. semecarpifolia and Rhododendron arboreum were key tree species in this area. The density of main woody species was 280 to 1190 individuals ha-1 at different stands. Herbaceous plants with rosette and clump growth habits were observed to have higher values for total basal cover and importance value index. Presence of some undercanopy herbs like; Dactylorhiza hatagirea, Malaxis muscifera, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Polygonatumcirrhifolium and Skimmia laureola in the specific habitats also showed that they are habitat specific.However, the presence of Frageria nubicola and Viola sp. was common in the selected stands. Felling of trees for timber, construction of temporary huts,fuel wood and lopping for fodder were main interferences for trees. On the other hand, trampling driven damage due to grazing, habitats degradation and overexploitation were observed key threats for under-canopy herbs. Integrated analysis including population studies, habitats preference and interferences to the trees and under-canopy herbs in this sensitive and important ecosystem will be useful for determining the conservation plans and ecosystem management. Subalpine forests are known as outstanding habitats due to co-existence of both temperate and alpine vegetation and are classic example of ecotonal zones. Limited but diverse physiognomy of trees inhabiting in subalpine forest results in variability within under-canopy habitat conditions. Studies were undertaken to assess population status, habitat preference and interferences to the trees and associated under-canopy herbs in a subalpine forest of western Himalaya. A total of lo woody and 23 under-canopy herbs were recorded in the selected subalpine forest area. At each stand, the number of tree species and under-canopy herbs ranged from 2 to 4 and 8 to lo respectively. Abies spectabilis, Acer caesium, Quercus floribunda, Q. semecarpifolia and Rhododendron arboreum were key tree species in this area. The density of main woody species was 280 to 119o individuals ha-1 at different stands. Herbaceous plants with rosette and clump growth habits were observed to have higher values for total basal cover and importance value index. Presence of some under- canopy herbs like; Dactylorhiza hatagirea, Malaxis muscifera, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Polygonatum cirrhifolium habitats also and Skimmia laureola showed that they are in the habitat specific specific. However, the presence of Frageria nubicola and Viola sp. was common in the selected stands. Felling of trees for timber, construction of temporary huts, fuel wood and lopping for fodder were main interferences for trees. On the other hand, trampling driven damage due to grazing, habitats degradation and overexploitation were observed key threats for under-canopy herbs. Integrated analysis including population studies, habitats preference and interferences to the trees and under-canopy herbs in this sensitive and important ecosystem will be useful for determining the conservation plans and ecosystem management.
出处 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期154-165,共12页 山地科学学报(英文)
关键词 亚高山森林 喜马拉雅 树木 解相关 生态系统管理 物种 林冠 印度 Conservation Habitat preferences Interferences Management Population analysis
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