目的:探讨pre-miR-196a2(rs11614913)和pre-miR-146a(rs2910164)的基因多态性与中国皖南地区汉族人群支气管哮喘的相关性。方法:选择来自皖南地区的汉族支气管哮喘患者591例及健康对照者621例,采用PCR及飞行时间质谱分型法(MALDI-TOF MS)分析比较两组的基因型、等位基因频率。结果:两组pre-miR-1962(rs11614913)位点等位基因T和C的分布相比,χ2=12.785,p<0.01,TT、TC、CC基因型分布相比,χ2=13.446,p<0.01;相对于TT基因型,CC、CT、TC+CC基因型的OR(95%CI)分别为1.647(p<0.01)、1.500(p<0.01)和1.542(p<0.01),表明该位点的多态性可能增加支气管哮喘的危险性。两组pre-miR-146a(rs2910164)位点等位基因G和C的分布相比,χ2=15.766,p<0.01,CC、CG、GG基因型分布相比,χ2=58.545,p<0.01;相对于GG基因型,CC、CG、CC+CG基因型的OR(95%CI)分别为2.175(p<0.01)、3.283(p<0.01)和2.755(p<0.01),表明该位点的多态性可能增加支气管哮喘发生的危险性。结论:pre-miR-196a T/C(rs11614913)和pre-miR-146a G/C(rs2910164)位点的多态性可能与中国皖南地区汉族人群支气管哮喘的发生有相关性。
Objective: To investigate the link between variants in pre- microRNAs and the risk of asthma in a Chinese Han population from Wannan area of Anhui province,including pre- mir- 196a( rs11614913) and pre- mir- 146a( rs2910164). Methods: A case- control study was conductedd to evaluate the effects of pre- mir- 196a( rs11614913) and pre- mir- 146a( rs2910164) on the risk of asthma. A total of 591 cases and 621 controls were recruited for this study. The genotypes were determined using polymerase chain reaction( PCR) and matrix assisted laser desorption / ionization time- of- flight mass spectrometry( MALDI- TOF MS). The frequencies of genotypes and alleles of these SNPs in the cases were also analyzed by logistic repression analysis,compared with those of the controls. Results: For pre- mir- 196 a gene in loci of rs11614913,the alleles frequency T with C of the gene in cases and controls have a significant difference( χ2 = 12. 785,p 〈 0. 01),there was also a significant difference in the distributions of the genotypes( TT,TC,and CC) between asthmatic subjects and normal control( χ2 = 13. 446,p = 0. 01). Logistic regression analysis revealed that the CC,CT,and CT + CC genotypes were significantly increased with the risk of asthma( CC vs. TT,OR( 95% CI) = 1.647( 1. 195- 2. 269),p 〈 0. 01; CT vs. TT,OR( 95% CI) = 1. 500( 1. 165- 1. 931),p 〈 0. 01; CT + CC vs. TT,OR( 95%CI) = 1. 542( 1. 219- 1. 951),p 〈 0. 01),compared with TT genotype. However,integrating data from published literature on an SNP of pre- mir- 196a2( rs11614913) and risk of asthma gives converse results. For pre- mir- 146 a gene in loci of rs2910164 the alleles frequency G with C of the gene in asthmatic and control group have a significant difference( χ2 = 15. 766,p 〈 0. 01),there was also a significant difference in the distributions of the genotypes( CC,CG,and GG) between asthmatic subjects and normal control( χ2 = 58. 545,p 〈 0. 001); Logistic regression analysis revealed that the CC,CG,and CC + CG genotypes were significantly increased to the risk of asthma( CC vs. GG,OR( 95% CI) = 2. 175( 1. 569- 3. 014),p 〈 0. 01; CG vs. GG,OR( 95% CI) = 3.283( 2. 405- 4. 482),p 〈 0. 01; CG + CC vs. GG,OR( 95% CI) = 2. 755( 2. 061- 3. 682),p 〈 0. 01),compared with GG genotype. Integrating data from published literature on an SNP of pre- mir- 146a( rs2910164) and risk of asthma confirm some results.Conclusion: The result suggests that the pre- mir- 196a2( rs11614913) and pre- mir- 146a( rs2910164) may be susceptible to the risk of asthma in the Chinese Han population.
Journal of Mudanjiang Medical University