

Effect of Different Activators on the Coupling Performance of Long-chain Silane
摘要 目的:比较不同激活剂催化后新型长链硅烷溶液对瓷和树脂粘接强度的影响。方法:将3种不同类型激活剂催化不同浓度长链硅烷溶液后处理瓷表面,流动树脂粘接瓷试件。电镜观察表面形态并测量其粘接强度。结果:双组份长链硅烷溶液粘接强度明显高于单组份长链硅烷溶液,其中乙酸激活剂组粘接强度最高,月桂酸组最低。6%长链硅烷溶液与激活剂混合后粘接强度最高。电镜显示乙酸组在被粘体表面形成了大量、厚度均一的偶联剂覆盖区,月桂酸组被粘体表面形成了大量的串珠样自聚体。结论:乙酸宜作为长链硅烷分子的激活剂;6%的长链硅烷分子与乙酸混合后粘接强度最高。 Objective: To evaluate effect of different activators on the coupling performance of long--chain silane between porcelain and resin. Methods: Three different types of activation agent activate the different concentration of the long--chain silane, casting porcelain surface, stir--in resin adhesive porcelain specimen. Electron microscopy (SEM) observes the surface morphology and measure bonding strength of the specimens. Results: Two bottles long --chain silane molecular bonding strength was obviously higher than one bottle, acetic acid activator bonding strength was the highest, the lowest was lauric acid group. 6 ~ long--chain silane mixed with activator bonding strength was the highest. SEM showed that the surface with acetic acid group formed plenty of, thickness uniformi- ty of coupling agent coverage, coupling agent coverage area formed a lot of Beaded polymers in lauric acid group. Conclusion: Acetic acid should be used as the activator of long--chain silane. Acetic acid with 6M of long--chain si- lane group was the highest bonding strength.
出处 《口腔医学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期101-104,共4页 Journal of Oral Science Research
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(编号:81000464、81130078)
关键词 长链硅烷 激活剂 粘接强度 Long--chain silane Activation Bonding strength
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