
镜像疗法治疗高位脊髓损伤后上肢Ⅱ型复杂性局部疼痛综合征的有效性:自身交叉对照研究 被引量:12

Effect of mirror therapy on complex regional pain syndrome(type Ⅱ) after high-level spinal cord injury:a self cross-controlled study
摘要 背景:镜像疗法最早用于截肢术后患肢痛的治疗,研究显示该疗法对其他损伤引起的复杂性局部疼痛综合征有效,但针对高位脊髓损伤后3年余的上肢复杂性局部疼痛综合征患者还未见报道。目的:探讨镜像疗法对高位脊髓损伤后上肢Ⅱ型复杂性局部疼痛综合征患者疼痛缓解的有效性。方法:采用自身交叉对照的试验设计分别应用经皮电神经刺激、镜像盒对该高位脊髓损伤后上肢Ⅱ型复杂性局部疼痛综合征的患者进行为期2周和3周的疼痛治疗,2种干预手段之间的洗脱期为1周,随访时间为1个月。结果与结论:前2周的经皮电神经刺激治疗患者疼痛没有实质性缓解,甚至一度加重,而洗脱期(第3周)后经过3周的镜像治疗,患者的疼痛感受明显减轻;其汉密尔顿焦虑量表、汉密尔顿抑郁量表、世界卫生组织生活质量量表评分也较治疗前明显改善。表明镜像疗法作为复杂性局部疼痛综合征综合治疗的补充,可能是一种有效地减轻Ⅱ型复杂性局部疼痛综合征疼痛的康复手段,但仍需进一步研究来确证其疗效。 BACKGROUND:Mirror therapy was initial y used in the treatment of affected limb pain after amputation, and has been applied as a valid way for relieving complex regional pain syndrome due to other injuries, but the efficacy for patients with upper limb complex regional pain syndrome (type II) more than 3 years after high-level spinal cord injury has not been reported in any way. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the availability of mirror therapy for reducing pain in a patient with upper limb complex regional pain syndrome (type II) who suffered high-level spinal cord injury. METHODS:An experimental design of self cross-control was applied for al eviating the patient’s pain with the intervention of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and mirror box therapy, which were conducted 2 or 3 weeks respectively. And the elution period between two kinds of treatments was 1 week, the fol ow-up time was 1 month. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The pain of the patient was not relieved, but even aggravated after 2 weeks of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, while 3-week mirror box therapy significantly reduced the pain after elution period (the third week). The Hamilton anxiety scale, Hamilton depression scale, and WHO quality of life scale scores were significantly improved after treatment compared with before treatment. Experimental findings indicate that, mirror therapy may be an effective intervention for mitigating complex regional pain syndrome (type II) in addition to the comprehensive treatments, but further studies are warranted to confirm its effect.
出处 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期716-720,共5页 Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research
基金 十二五"国家科技支撑手功能项目(2013BAI10B03) 国家自然科学基金项目(90920014 91120305) 上海市科委生物医药重点项目(13411951000)~~
关键词 脑及脊髓损伤模型 上肢 Ⅱ型复杂性局部疼痛综合征 神经病理性疼痛 颈髓损伤 镜像疗法 经皮电神经刺激 作业疗法 康复 国家自然科学基金 Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Spinal Cord Injuries Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation Rehabilitation
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