以重庆市巴南区测土配方施肥为例,在对该区域地质、地貌、土壤类型、样品分布以及土壤各指标的相关特征进行评价和讨论的基础上,总结出区域内测土施肥技术特点,以期完善南方高岗丘陵区"测土配方施肥"中样品采集布点、测定指标选择和肥料配方等技术体系。结果表明:南方高岗丘陵区土壤样品采集应在区域土壤分类、分区的基础上,结合地形、地势和地块特点确定样点分布;土壤酸碱性变化复杂是该区域土壤最为典型的特征,不但是肥料配方的重要参考因素,也是采样分区布点的主要依据;土壤养分指标的选择及肥料配方方案的确定,应建立在本区域土壤肥力评价体系的基础上,并结合土地农业利用方式,确定肥料配方比例。根据南方高岗丘陵区土壤有机质与碱解氮,速效钾和缓效钾的相关性,建议区县级测土配方施肥实施中,土壤测定指标可选择p H值、有机质(蔬菜或特种经济作物宜加测碱解氮)、有效磷、速效钾、缓效钾。
Taken Banan District of Chongqing with Soil Testing for Formulated Fertilization( STFF) as Examples,its environmental factors( the geology,geomorphology and soil type distribution),anthropic factor( sampling) and the correlation characteristics of soil different indexes were taken into account,and the technical characteristics of STFF in this area were summarized to improve the technical system of sampling,choice of nutrient measure index and formulation of fertilizer in the program of STFF of southern highland hills. The results showed that the arrangement of sampling sites was determined based on the regional soil classification and partition in combination with the characteristics of its soil type and topography. The p H complicated change of this region soil was a typical character,which could be used as a significantly affecting factor both making fertilizer formulation and arrangement of sampling site. The nutrient measure index and proportion of fertilizer formulation were determined based on a fertility evaluation and the land use type. According to the correlations of Southern Highland Hilly Agricultural Soil between organic matter and available nitrogen,rapidly available potassium and slowly available potassium,the p H,organic matter( vegetables or specialty crops should be added measure nitrogen),available phosphorous,rapidly available potassium and slowly available potassium could be chosen as soil nutrient measure indexes in the county-level STFF program.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
Highland hill
Soil fertility
Soil testing for fertilization