
十八大以来新一届中央领导集体反腐倡廉的理论与实践 被引量:7

Theory and practice of anti-corruption and clean governance of new central leadership team since 18th CPC National Congress
摘要 党的十八大以来,以习近平为总书记的党中央更加重视反腐倡廉建设,在认识上将反腐败斗争提高到事关"亡党亡国"的高度,要求"老虎"、"苍蝇"一起打。党在实践上强调,要更多地依靠制度和法律建设推进反腐倡廉建设,更好地完善全方位反腐倡廉体系,把"权力关进制度的笼子里",并用"治标"为"治本"赢得时间,以更快回应人民的反腐败要求。通过深化改革促进反腐倡廉建设,推进巡视制度,试行官员财产申报公开制度,通过网络微博等新媒体率先发力,引起网民热议监督、纪委迅速回应查处等新方式,加速形成党内党外、体制内和体制外的全方位联动反腐机制。通过严格执行八项规定、公务接待、公车改革等切实纠正"四风",铲除腐败滋生的温床,加大对高级领导干部、责任缺失、失职渎职行为的查处力度等举措,成为新一届中央领导集体推进反腐倡廉建设的若干亮点。 Since the 18 th CPC National Congress,the construction of anti-corruption and clean governance is paid more emphasis by the Central Committee of the Party led by the General Secretary XI Jin-ping. The struggle of combating corruption is promoted to the level that it is related w ith "the death of Party and the death of country "in cognition,w hich demands that to beat "tigers"and "flies"at the same time. The Party emphasizes in practice that the construction of anti-corruption and clean governance should be promoted by more and more construction of institution and law,the all-around system of anti-corruption and clean governance should be perfected better,"the pow er should be locked into a cage",and the time for"effecting a permanent cure"should be gained by "taking temporary solution",in order to response the demands of combating corruption of the people more quickly. The construction of anti-corruption and clean governance should be promoted by deepening reform,the institution of inspection tours should be promoted,and the official property declaration and open system should be tried out. New paths such as netizen hot discussion and inspection w hich lead to the quick response and investigation of discipline inspection commission should be applied through the pow er of new media,such as net micro-blog,etc.,in order to accelerate the construction of all-around linkage mechanism of combating corruption w ithin and out of the Party,and w ithin and out of the system. New measures have been the highlights of promoting the construction of anti-corruption and clean governance of the new central leadership team,namely,to correct"four trends"effectively through the strict exertion of Eight Regulations,official reception institution,and official car reform,to eradicate the hotbed of emerging corruption,and to enhance the investigation and punishment of high grade leaders and cadres,absence of responsibility,and breach and dereliction of duty,etc.
作者 孙应帅
出处 《沈阳工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期1-11,共11页 Journal of Shenyang University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 中国社会科学院创新工程项目(MYYCX201415)
关键词 十八大 习近平 反腐倡廉 反腐败 反腐机制 八项规定 18th CPC National Congress XI Jin-ping anti-corruption and clean governance combating corruption mechanism of anti-corruption Eight Regulations
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