目的探讨品质管理圈(QCC)在降低呼吸机相关肺炎(VAP)感染率中的作用。方法将2013年2月至4月收集到的110例患者为对照组,9月至11月实施QCC后收集到的112例患者为观察组,对照组实施ICU诊疗常规方法对患者进行管理,观察组应用QCC对患者进行管理,比较两组患者呼吸机相关肺炎感染率的差异性。结果实施QCC后,VAP的发生率由23.256‰降至12.842‰,手卫生依从性由72%提高至84%,手卫生的合格率由80%提高至92.5%,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 QCC管理能有效降低ICU呼吸机患者VAP的发生率。
Objective To explore the application of quality control circle (QCC)in reducing the infection rate of ventilator associat-ed pneumonia (VAP)in ICU.Methods 110 patients with VAP were recruited into the control group from Feb 2013 to Apr 2013,and after QCC application,other 112 patients were recruited into the treatment group from Sep 2013 to Nov 2013.The routine management of ICU was applied in the control group,while the QCC management was enforced upon the patients in the treatment group.Difference of the VAP inci-dence between patients in the control group and the treatment group was evaluated.Results After the application of QCC management,the VAP incidence in patients under ventilator treatment reduced from 23.256 ‰ (control group)to 12.842 ‰ (treatment group),while the compliance rate and efficacy rate of hand hygiene increased from 72% and 80% to 84% and 92.5% respectively,and the differences be-tween the two groups were of statistical significance (P<0.05 ).Conclusion The application of QCC management could effectively reduce the VAP incidence in patients treated with ICU ventilator,and further improve the level of hospital infection management.
Anhui Medical Journal
Quality control circle
Ventilator associated pneumonia