
China's Transfer Payment Mechanism: A Case Study

China's Transfer Payment Mechanism: A Case Study
摘要 In this paper, a two-region endogenous growth model is adapted to analyse Western China's development,and regional divergence and convergence processes. Dynamic optimization is utilized to calculate the growth rate of the Chinese economy on the optimal growth path, and backward integration is utilized to simulate the evolvement of some key indicators, including relative GDP per capita of Western China to Eastern China, regional capital growth rate and regional GDP growth rate. The calibrations of this model after 1992 are conducted. The calibration results provide evidence about the speed of Western China's relative development, and also shed some light on the future regional convergence process under the Western Development Programme launched in 2000. In this paper, a two-region endogenous growth model is adapted to analyse Western China's development,and regional divergence and convergence processes. Dynamic optimization is utilized to calculate the growth rate of the Chinese economy on the optimal growth path, and backward integration is utilized to simulate the evolvement of some key indicators, including relative GDP per capita of Western China to Eastern China, regional capital growth rate and regional GDP growth rate. The calibrations of this model after 1992 are conducted. The calibration results provide evidence about the speed of Western China's relative development, and also shed some light on the future regional convergence process under the Western Development Programme launched in 2000.
作者 郝宇
出处 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2015年第2期183-192,共10页 天津大学学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.71403015)
关键词 ENDOGENOUS GROWTH TRANSFER PAYMENT WESTERN Development PROGRAMME China endogenous growth transfer payment Western Development Programme China
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