
不同采集时间芒萁各部位总黄酮含量的动态变化 被引量:5

Dynamic change of total flavonoids content in different parts of Dicranopteris pedata at different collection times
摘要 芒萁〔Dicranopteris pedata(Houtt.)Nakai〕又称铁狼萁,为里白科(Gleicheniaceae)芒萁属(Dicranopteris Bernh.)多年生草本植物,广泛分布于中国长江以南各省区,是常用药用蕨类植物,也是林区酸性土的指示植物[1-2]。黄酮类成分是芒萁的主要药用成分,具有抗菌消炎、抗氧化、降压、清热解毒、防止血管增生和抑制脂肪氧化酶等多种活性[3-7],在治疗冠心病、抗癌防癌和消除自由基等方面[8-11]也有显著功效, Water content,dry weight per plant and total flavonoids content in different parts of Dicranopteris pedata( Houtt.)Nakai at different collection times( from April to December) were comparatively analyzed. The results show that at different collection times,there are extremely significant differences in water content and dry weight per plant,and also there are obvious differences in total flavonoids content in rhizome,leaf,lower and upper stems. Generally,from mid April,water content of D. pedata begins to decrease gradually and reaches the lowest in December. Dry weight per plant increases generally and reaches the highest in mid October with a value of 155. 41 g. Total flavonoids content in rhizome and leaf are extremely significantly( P〈0. 01) higher than that in stem and their maximum are 28. 53% and 23. 43%,respectively,while that in upper and lower stems are only 8. 17% and 9. 39%,respectively. Comprehensively considering on many factors such as total flavonoids content,medicinal material yield and collection time,etc,the optimal raw material for extracting total flavonoids is confirmed to be leaf,the optimal collection time to be mid October.
出处 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期102-104,共3页 Journal of Plant Resources and Environment
基金 福建生物工程职业技术学院科研项目(KJ201306)
关键词 芒萁 总黄酮 采集时间 含水量 Dicranopteris pedata(Houtt.) Nakai total flavonoids collection time water content
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