
蝉翼表面结构对细菌细胞作用的理论研究 被引量:1

A Theoratical Study for Effect of Cicada Wing Surfaces on Bacterial Cells
摘要 实验研究发现鸣蝉(Psaltoda claripennis)蝉翼表面特殊的纳米结构可以有效杀死某些附着在其表面的细菌,而且,这种杀菌过程完全是一种物理效应,并不涉及任何化学反应。蝉翼这种特殊的抗菌能力为研制新型抗菌材料提供了依据。作者由蝉翼表面纳米结构对细菌细胞壁形态的影响,提出了一种解释细菌细胞壁在蝉翼表面机械性破裂机制的弹性力学模型。模型中,由细菌细胞壁的拉伸度来确定蝉翼表面纳米结构对细菌细胞壁的影响。分别对革兰氏阳性和阴性细菌细胞壁在蝉翼表面上的拉伸度进行计算。结果表明,不同强度的细菌细胞壁在蝉翼表面纳米结构上发生的拉伸形变有明显差异,绝大部分革兰氏阴性细菌细胞壁拉伸度超过其承受能力,可发生机械性破裂。 The nanopatterns on the surface of clanger cicada (Psaltoda claripennis) wings can kill bacteria on contact based solely by their physical surface structure. It represents the first example that refers to a new class of biomaterials. Based on the interactions between bacterial cells and nanopatterned surface structures of clanger cicada wings, an elastic mechanical model was proposed to investigate the rupture of the bacterial cell walls. The effect of surface nanoroughness on the bacterial cell wall was evaluated by the stretching of the cell walls. The calculated results with respect to the stretching of Gram-positive and negative bacteria as functions of the geometric parameters of surface structures were obtained and discussed. It was obviously different between the stretching of Gram-positive and negative bacteria, and the stretching of Gram-negative bacteria led to irreversible cell wall rupture and death of bacteria.
出处 《生物物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期454-462,共9页 Acta Biophysica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31106188) 教育部自然科学研究重点项目(211030)~~
关键词 抗菌性 纳米结构 悬链线 弹性力学 Antibacterial Nanostructure Catenary Elastic mechanics
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