Deforestation is one of the most crucial problems in Indonesia. It creates a number of environmental problems, e.g., landslides, loss of biological diversity, and decrease of carbon sequestration which are impacting human lives, There are a number of underlying causes, often stemmed from the emphasis on a particular forest management objective. Despite numerous forest policies and regulations established by the government, deforestation continues to happen. Quite often, the policies and regulations remain "paper tiger", which means ineffectual on the ground. One of the contributing factors to deforestation is the lack of custodian for the management of the forests. The regulation, such as law No. 41/1999, stipulates that all state forests must be managed under a FMI3 (forest management unit) as the custodians. The objective of this research is to develop an optimal model for FMU. Using the LGP (linear goal programming), this research attempts to develop an optimum model for conservation areas. It assumes that the existing zoning approach implemented by the government in conservation areas is inappropriate. The optimum zoning model is expected to improve forest management and restore the forest function as a life supporting system and biological diversity conservation.