Embodied Energy and CO2 Associated with Buildings by Using Input and Output Table in Japan
Embodied Energy and CO2 Associated with Buildings by Using Input and Output Table in Japan
In July 2009, the 2005 basic Japanese input/output table was publicized together with its physical transaction table. This research paper analyzed the 2005 IO (input/output) table to create building industry-related intensities and, at the same time, compared the building industry with industries at large for distribution margins and transportation. The analysis of distribution margins separately for middle and purchaser margins found that middle margins in the building industry are minor at 35% of the averages for all industries, while purchaser margins are sizable at 1.8 times, proving that it is an industry for which local production for local consumption is quite effective. CO2 emissions resulting from transportation in the building industry were calculated and concisely characterized. Although the ratio of transportation CO2 emissions to total CO2 emissions in each industry finds almost no difference between general industries and the building industry, transportation CO2 emissions per production value are two to three times heavier than those from general industries to be justified as a transportation-intensive industry.
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