
前牙氧化锆全瓷单冠修复的短期临床效果评价 被引量:3

Short-term clinical evaluation of single zirconia crowns for restoration of anterior teeth
摘要 目的对56例前牙缺损患者行LAVA氧化锆全瓷冠修复的短期临床效果进行评价及分析。方法选取56例前牙缺损、行LAVA氧化锆全瓷单冠修复的患者按照标准程序制作全瓷修复体85颗,对修复后3、6及12个月进行临床随访调查,并由患者根据评价疗效、填写修复满意度调查表,根据改良USPHS标准对全瓷冠修复体的临床疗效进行评价。结果 12个月内的随访中,56例患者85颗修复体其各项指标都达到Bravo标准。修复体颜色匹配率达到Alpha标准的97.6%,修复体外形达到Alpha标准的97.6%。修复体的边缘适合性达到Alpha标准的84.7%,其中有15.3%处在Bravo标准上。修复体的材质达到Alpha标准95.3%。结论 LAVA全瓷单冠修复体的外形美观、层次感强、对前牙缺损病例修复效果较好。 Objective To evaluate short-term clinical performance of single LAVA zirconia crowns for restoration of anterior teeth. Methods 56 cases of anterior teeth defect patients received LAVA zirconia all-ceramic single crown restorations. Clinical follow-up survey of 3 months,6months and 12 months after restoration were processed according to the modified USPHS criteria. Results Within 12 months,56 patients with 85 LAVA zirconia restorations have met Bravo standard. Color matching rate of these restorations reached 97.6% of Alpha standard, and appearance, marginal fit, materials reached 97.6% ,84.7% ,95.3% respectively. Conclusions LAVA zirconia crown is a good choice for restoration of anterior teeth.
出处 《口腔医学》 CAS 2015年第2期135-137,共3页 Stomatology
关键词 前牙缺损 全瓷冠 临床随访调查 anterior teeth defect all-ceramic crowns clinical follow-up survey
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