本次展览规模再次突破历史记录,展出内容涵盖了新能源汽车、动力驱动技术、新能源汽车零部件、充电设施、汽车设计等。2014年12月18—20日,由中国土木工程学会城市公共交通学会支持的EV CHINA新能源车展(第7届中国国际新能源与电动汽车展)在上海世博展览馆举行。展出面积由2013年的1.7万m2增长到2.5万m2,本次展览规模再次突破记录,展出内容涵盖了新能源汽车、动力驱动技术、新能源汽车零部件、充电设施、汽车设计等。郑州宇通、
The med as 'Safety,Comfort,Energy-saving and Environment-friendly',2014 EV China was held from Dec.18 to 21 in Shanghai,showing a great confidence in the future development of new energy vehicles.Audiences had an opportunity to zerodistance enjoy the most lately developed new energy vehicles,and also learned a lots of latest information and practical experience of new energy industry thank forthe two academic forums sponsored by City Public Transport Institute.
Commercial Vehicle