近日,2015年中通客车新春行业媒体座谈会在聊城召开。中通客车控股股份有限公司总经理孙庆民在致词中表示,2014年中通客车为大家带来了太多惊喜:经营业绩逆势增长;经营质量稳步提高;新能源和海外业绩领跑行业;6 m以上客车赶超行业前三;年产3万辆节能与新能源客车的新工厂投产,企业呈现出"逆势增长、稳中向好"的发展态势。2015年中通将继续依托科技创新与技术进步,为自身的发展赢取更多机遇与主动权,剑指全球客车市场。
In recent days,Zhongtong Bus Holding Co.,Ltd held a Spring Gathering for trade media in Liaocheng,Shandong province.Mr.Sun Qingmin,general manager of the company pointed out in his speech at the event that 2014 is truly a fruitful year for the company that had enjoyed a considerable stable growth against industrial weakness as a whole.In 2015,the company will continue to explore and seek more opportunities and initiatives through scientific innovation and technological progress so as to target to the overseas market.
Commercial Vehicle