工人阶级是先进生产力的代表 ,工人阶级队伍包括从事体力劳动的工人和从事科技文化知识研究、创造和传播、作为脑力劳动者的知识分子。科学技术是第一生产力 ,知识分子在发展先进生产力和推进社会经济时代的发展中起了开拓作用。知识分子在先进生产力中发挥了第一的作用 。
The working class is deputy to the advanced productivity, the working class is composed of physical laborers and intellectuals who are mental workers. Science and technology is No.1 productive force. Intellectuals play an opening role in developing advanced productivity and economy times. Intellectuals should enjoy first position and treatment.