语言教学实质是文化教学。学习者在理解语言符号表层所存在的意义之外 ,必须熟悉该语言中语符所承载的文化现象的运用 ,提高对文本信息全息理解 ,解读语符之外的文化意义 ,从而真正掌握和运用所学语言。文章就文本语言教学与文化教学的互动和促进进行分析、探讨。
Language teaching is the culture teaching in essence. Language learners,in addition to comprehending the superficial meanings of the lansigns, are supposed to get acquainted with application of cultural information loaded by lansigns, thus fulfill the complete understanding of the text information including the cultural meaning beyond lansigns. In this way will the language learners be able to further their command and application of the very language they are working on. This paper is to explore and analyze the mutual promotions of the text teaching and culture teaching.