
纳米型植物抗逆剂对油松抗旱促长作用研究 被引量:2

Functions of Drought Resistance and Growth Promotion of Nano-type Plant Anti-adversity Agent to Chinese Pine Seedlings
摘要 纳米型植物抗逆剂是西北农林科技大学鼠害治理研究中心研制的无公害多功能植物保健剂,集抗旱、保水、促长和预防鼠(兔)害功能于一体。采用模拟蘸浆造林方法比较了纳米型植物抗逆剂(NPA)和多效抗旱驱鼠剂(RPA)的抗旱促长作用差异。结果表明,NPA和RPA处理保存率和土壤水分的关系符合Quadratic-模型规律,其对保存率增益指数为240.7%±133.5%和198.1%±86.8%,苗高为54.7%±2.7%和49.6%±1.5%,地径为71.0%±2.0%和56.1%±1.6%,根长为77.90%±2.52%和76.65%±1.40%,根茎比为16.82%±2.03%和18.18%±1.14%。证明使用纳米型植物抗逆剂和多效抗旱驱鼠剂150倍水溶液进行蘸浆造林,能显著提高油松保存率和生长量,且土壤缺水时,效果更明显。 A nano-type plant anti-adversity agent(NPA)developed by the Research Center of Rodent Pest Management of Northwest AF University,is a multi-functional plant health care with pollution-free rodent repellent.It has integrated functions of fighting drought,water retention,promoting growth and preventing rodent.We compared the differences in growth effect between NPA and RPA by used the simulated root dipping afforestation.The results showed that the relationship between the seedlings preserving rate and soil moisture was in accordance with the Quadratic-model.The contribution rates of NPA and RPA to the extra index of the survival rate were 240.7%±133.5% and 198.1%±86.8%,,and to the extra index of the seedling height were 54.7%±2.7% and 49.6%±1.5%,to the extra index of the ground diameter were 71.0%±2.0% and 56.1%±1.6%,to the extra index of the root length were 77.90%±2.52% and 76.65% ±1.40%,to the extra index of the root-to-stem ratio were 16.82% ±2.03% and18.18%±1.14%,respectively.The results demonstrated that using the NPA and RPA with 150 times a-queous solutions for root dipping could significantly improve the survival rate and the growth of Pinus tabulaeformis,and the function were more significant under soil water deficiency.
出处 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期121-128,256,共9页 Journal of Northwest Forestry University
基金 国家林业公益性行业专项(201404405) 国家林业局重点项目(2012-02)
关键词 纳米型植物抗逆剂 多效抗旱驱鼠剂 蘸浆造林 抗旱 促长 nano-type plant anti-adversity agent(NPA) root dipping afforestation fighting drought promoting growth
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