
大学生课外体育锻炼行为自评量表的编制 被引量:4

Research on Self-rating Scale's Preparation,Validity and Reliability of Extracurricular Physical Exercise Behavior of College Students
摘要 为了对大学生课外体育锻炼行为进行有效评价,在质性研究的基础上,通过量化研究即通过问卷编制、项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析等进一步探索、修正与验证,构建了大学生课外体育锻炼行为自评量表,包括心理机制、个体特征和社会环境3个维度50个项目。经过对760名大学生现场施测,量表各维度的Cronbach's a系数平均值为0.77,潜在变量CR平均值为0.78,验证性因素分析的理论结构模型与测试变量拟合指数较好,内容效度、结构效度和效标效度等均达到了心理测量的要求,可以为后续相关研究提供有效的测量工具。 In order to evaluate the college students' Extracurricular Physical Exercise Behavior,based on qualitative research and through quantitative research,we further explore,revise and validate through questionnaire establishment,project analysis,exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. Then the self-rating scale of college students' extracurricular physical exercise which is consisted of mental mechanism,personal feature and social environment. By testing 701 college students,the mean values of Cronbach's alpha coefficients for every dimensionality in the self-rating scale are 0. 77,the mean values of latent variables' composite reliability are 0. 78,and conclusion CFA( confirmatory factor analysis) indicates good fit of theoretical structure of the scale. Content validity,construct validity and criterion-related validity meet the needs of psychometric standard,and it provides a effective measurement tool for further study.
出处 《赣南师范学院学报》 2015年第1期104-109,共6页 Journal of Gannan Teachers' College(Social Science(2))
基金 江西省社会科学研究"十二五"规划项目(13TY02)
关键词 大学生 课外体育锻炼 量表 信度 效度 college students extracurricular physical exercise scale reliability validity
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