
祛瘀豁痰汤治疗耳鸣20例 被引量:4

20 Cases of Tinnitus Treated with Quyu Huotan Decoction
摘要 目的:观察祛瘀豁痰汤治疗耳鸣的疗效和安全性。方法:将40例耳鸣患者随机分为中药组和药针组各20例,中药组采用祛瘀豁痰汤治疗,药针组采用祛瘀豁痰汤联合针刺治疗。结果:意向性分析(ITT)结果显示两组有效率分别为90.00%和85.00%,方案数据分析(PP)结果显示两组有效率分别为88.89%和85.00%,非劣性检验,中药组疗效不劣于药针组,ITT分析与PP分析结果一致。结论:祛瘀豁痰汤单用或联合针刺治疗耳鸣均安全有效。 Objective: To observe the clinical curative effect and safety of Quyu Huotan Decoction( QYHTD) in treating tinnitus.Methods: 40 patients with tinnitus were randomly divided into the traditional Chinese medicine group and the group of the traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture,with 20 cases in each group. The patients in the traditional Chinese medicine group were treated with QYHTD,while the ones in the group of the traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture were treated with QYHTD combined with acupuncture. Results: Intentionality( ITT) analysis showed that the total effective rate of the two groups were90. 00% and 85. 00% respectively. Per Protocol( PP) showed the effective rate of the two groups were 88. 89% and 85. 00% respectively. According to non-pessimum test,the curative effect of the traditional Chinese medicine group was not worse than that of the group of the traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. And ITT analysis and PP analysis had correspondence. Conclusion: QYHTD singly used or combined with acupuncture has safety and effectiveness in treating tinnitus.
出处 《河南中医》 2015年第2期341-343,共3页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 四川省中医药管理局科研课题(编号:06232)
关键词 耳鸣 祛瘀豁痰汤 针刺疗法 tinnitus Quyu Huotan Decoction acupuncture therapy
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