
“敢于担当”型领导考评标准的实证研究:结构探索与量表编制 被引量:7

The Courage to Take Responsibilities:Evaluation Model and Measurement
摘要 中国的改革已经步入了"深水区"与"攻坚阶段","敢于担当"型领导是当今社会急切需要的人才类型。然而,"敢于担当"品质的内涵与外延是什么?依据什么来鉴别、选拔与培养"敢于担当"型的领导干部?目前还未有专门的研究成果。本研究通过访谈55名干部、问卷施测60名干部以及测评401名干部,探索、表征与验证了"敢于担当"型领导的素质考评模型,并且以此开发了一系列可用于选拔与培养"敢于担当"型领导人才的标准体系。本研究发现"敢于担当"型领导是一个包含2个层面4个维度的内涵结构与20个行为指标的外延结构体系,信效度良好,有较高的实际操作性。 The courage to take responsibilities is a significant quality in Chinese culture. Moreover,it has become an important requirement for an eligible leader in Chinese Administration System. However,there were not strict rules to evaluate the courage to take responsibilities. To make up for the deficiency,the present study develops a model for testing the courage to take responsibilities,and also a series of indicators for quality measurement. The Study has three main parts: assuming model,preparing for the questions and the model testing. In the first part,55 participants were introduced to take a half-structured interview,talking about their understanding of the courage to take responsibilities. Several descriptions extracted from the record led to the assumption of the model. In the second part,60 leaders at basic level filled in a questionnaire to sort some descriptions of the courage to take responsibilities. Afterdiscussion across researchers and leaders of human resource management in Chinese Government,some concrete expressions were made out in order to prepare for the indicators. In the third part,401 participants took part in the preliminary survey of the indicator list with 20 items in 4 factors. The result was examined by SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 17.0 for item testing and confirmation factor analysis(CFA) respectively. According to the result,a second-order structure was explored to be the model of the courage to take responsibilities. Four factors in the model are courage,responsibility,personal characteristics and working skills. Passing the reliability analysis,validity analysis and confirmation factor analysis,the indicators performed well in measuring the courage to take responsibilities. This study is the first research to explore the specific expression,the courage to take responsibilities. Furthermore,a model with four factors was introduced for future research and future practice. Finally,the indicator list with 20 items has been proved an efficient order to measure the courage to take responsibilities of leaders especially in basic levels of Chinese Government.
出处 《中国人力资源开发》 北大核心 2015年第5期42-49,89,共9页 Human Resources Development of China
基金 贵阳南明区委组织部的大力支持
关键词 敢于担当 模型检验 实证研究 Courage to Take Responsibilities Model Test Empirical Research
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