基于CE318太阳光度计观测数据,采用消光法对广州市2011年全年的气溶胶粒子体积浓度、数浓度、体积谱、数浓度谱的全年总体特征,季节性特征及日变化进行了分析。结果表明:1)广州市气溶胶粒子体积浓度年均值为0.45μm3/μm2,春季最高,夏季最低;且粒子体积浓度与浑浊度的相关系数达到0.956。2)广州市气溶胶体积谱为双峰型,数浓度谱为单峰型。半径<0.1μm的细粒子为气溶胶主控粒子,主要由水溶性粒子和煤烟组成。3)广州市的气溶胶污染主要与工业、交通等人为污染有关;其主要成分为水溶性粒子和煤烟,此外还存在少量的沙尘和海洋气溶胶粒子。4)一天当中气溶胶粒子体积浓度随着人类活动增加逐步上升,T 12:00―15:00时段细粒子的体积浓度为一天中最高。
A CE318 automatic sun tracking spectrophotometer was used to measure direct solar radiation at Guangzhou in 2011. The volume concentration, number concentration, volume distribution, number distribution were inverted, of which the annual and seasonal characteristics and the diurnal variation were studied. The results show that: 1) The volume concentration of aerosol at Guangzhou varied seasonally, with a spring maximum and a summer minimum, and the average value of the concentration in 2011 was 0.45 μm3/μm2. The correlation coefficient between volume concentration and turbidity was 0.956. 2) The volume distribution was in a bimodal pattern, while number distribution in a unimodal pattern. Fine particles whose radiuses within 0.1μm were the principle aerosol particles, composed of water dissoluble particles and soot, the main source of which were traffic pollution and industrial pollution. 3) With soluble particles and soot as major composition, and a small number of sand and marine aerosol particles besides, aerosol pollution at Guangzhou was mainly relevant to man-made pollution, such as industrial pollution and traffic pollution. 4) The diurnal variation of particle concentration at Guangzhou was consistent with that of human activities, rising with the increasing of human activities. The concentration of fine particles at the period from 12 o'clock to 15 o'clock increased because of the strong solar radiation.
Tropical Geography