目的 根据电网络模型法提出一个改进型的多分支人体心血管系统模型,以深入研究人体心血管及体循环系统.方法 该模型包括心脏、肺循环、头颈循环及四肢循环,共包括48个微分方程,在此基础上建立了呼吸运动中心肺交互作用的数学模型,并应用MATLAB软件中的SIMULINK模块仿真实现得到各段血管的血压及血流量等生理信号.结果 模型可模拟健康及多种心血管疾病的血压血流状态,模拟波形与PhysioBank数据库中实际生理波形相符,在健康、心力衰竭及动脉粥样硬化三种条件下,模拟波形的收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)、每搏输出量(SV)及心输出量(CO)等生理参数均符合临床测量值.将所选数据库中的呼吸信号代入模型后,可直接观察心率和血压随呼吸运动的变化规律:吸气过程经约1.5~2s的延迟后心率代偿性加快,呼气过程则发生相反的变化趋势,与实际心肺交互过程中的呼吸性窦性心律不齐(respiratory sinus arrhythmia,RSA)现象相符.结论 此改进型心血管及体循环系统模型的仿真结果与临床实际数据相符,灵活性高,对诊断和治疗心血管系统疾病具有重要意义.
Objective A model of cardiovascular and systemic circulation system according to electrical circuit theory is developed for further research of human cardiovascular and systemic circulation system. Methods This model includes heart circulation, head and neck circulation, pulmonary circulation, coronary circulation, abdomen circulation and extremity circulation, composed of 48 mathematical equations. Results Using MATLAB, the simulation for pathological features of the cardiovascular system, such as heart failure and arteriosclerosis, are implemented with the results including systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), stroke volume (SV) and cardiac output (CO) being consistent with human pathological features. Importing the respiratory signal selected from PhysioBank database, the change rules of heart rate and blood pressure along with the respiratory movement are obvious: during the inspiratory process, the heart rate increases after 1.5 to 2 seconds. However, during the expiratory process, the trend is opposite. This result conforms to the actual cardiopulmonary interaction in the process of respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) phenomenon. Conclusions The simulation results of this improved cardiovascular and systemic circulation systemmodel are in conformity with the clinical data. This is important for the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering