On the occasion of establishment of Higher Education in Chemical Engineering for 30 years, the editorial department gives a summary about the 30 years' course from the purpose of establishing this journal, the set of journal column, the way of paper submitting and recruiting to the target people. In the past 30 years, we have made some progress and kept some characteristic columns. We have devoted readers and writers. While we still face the challenge of improve the article quality and the level of the journal. We believe that we should make a change as the reform of engineering itself and engineering education system. We must take the improvement of journal quality as a core and pay close attention to the new trends in higher engineering education research filed, so that we can present the new achievements in time. Except that, we must also keep focus on the new change in engineering filed and propose responsible care, which will reflect in a new column. We should extend the range of readers and relevant subject and innovate in the frame of our good experience.
Higher Education in Chemical Engineering
Higher Education in Chemical Engineering
Higher engineering education
The purpose of establishing the journal
Journal quality