大型压缩机电驱动方案中,所使用的电动机单机容量达到10 MW以上,介绍了大型压缩机电驱动的技术对策及经济性分析。详细对比了超大容量电机的各种启动方式并说明了各种方式的使用情况,对比结果表明:采用电驱方案设备投资相对较低,运行费用相对较高,损耗低,占地面积小;蒸汽驱动方案设备投资相对较高,运行费用相对较低,损耗高,锅炉占地面积较大。针对超大容量电动机的使用,特别是电动机的启动方式,存在着诸多特殊性的问题,提出了使用变频软启动装置取代传统的变压器-电机机组直接启动,其具有显著的节能效果。
In the electrically driving schemes of the large-sized compressor,the unit capacity of the used electric motor reached to above 10 MW,author has introduced the technical countermeasure and economy analysis for the electrically driven large-sized compressor,has compared in detail the different driving types for the electrical motors with a super capacity,and has explained the usage situation for different types,comparison result indicates that investment of equipment is relatively lower for adopting the electrically driving scheme,operating cost is relatively higher with lower loss,and less land occupied; but the investment of equipment is relatively higher for adopting the steam driven scheme,operating cost is relatively lower with higher loss,and more land occupied by boiler. In allusion to application of the electric motor with super capacity,especially for electric motor driven type,there were a lot of special problems,it is proposed that the directly driving by traditional transformer-electric motor is replaced by using the soft drive with frequency converter; it has obvious energy conservation effect.
Chemical Fertilizer Design
large-sized compressor
directly driving
soft drive with high voltage electric motor
soft drive with high voltage frequency converter