
头痛宁胶囊对偏头痛模型大鼠行为症状学的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Toutongning capsule on the behaviors and symptoms of rats with migraine
摘要 目的观察头痛宁胶囊对偏头痛模型大鼠行为症状学的影响。方法健康SD大鼠72只随机分为0.9%氯化钠溶液组、偏头痛模型组(模型组)、氟桂利嗪组、头痛宁高剂量组、头痛宁中剂量组和头痛宁低剂量组,每组12只。皮下注射硝酸甘油(NTG)制备偏头痛大鼠模型,0.9%氯化钠溶液组皮下注射0.9%氯化钠溶液。观察6组大鼠造模后双耳发红等症状出现、消失的时间和单位时间段内前肢挠头、爬笼的次数。结果头痛宁高、中剂量组耳红结束时间、挠头结束时间、爬笼次数与氟桂利嗪组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),而头痛宁低剂量组上述指标与氟桂利嗪组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论头痛宁胶囊可以改善硝酸甘油致偏头痛模型大鼠的行为症状学表现,以头痛宁胶囊高剂量组和中剂量组作用明显。 Objective To observe the effects of Toutongning capsule on the behaviors and symptoms of rats with migraine. Methods Seventy-two SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups: normal control group,migraine model group,Sibelium treatment group,Toutongning high-dose group,Toutongning median-dose group,Toutongning low-dose group,with 12 rats in each group. The animal models with migraine were established by subcutaneous injection with NTG. The rats in normal control group were given 0. 9% sodium chloride solution by subcutaneous injections. The appearing time and disappearing time of redness in both ears of rats after the animal models were established,terminal time of scratching head,climbing cage frequency were observed and recorded in the 6 groups. Results There were no significant differences in the terminal time of redness in both ears of rats,terminal time of scratching head and climbing cage frequency between Toutongning high-dose group,Toutongning median-dose group and Sibelium treatment group( P〈0. 05),however,there were significant differences between Toutongning low-dose group and Sibelium treatment group( P〈0. 05). Conclusion Toutongnning capsule can improve the behavior and symptom of rats with migraine caused by nitroglycerin,and the therapeutic effects of high-dose and median-dose Toutongning capsule are more obvious.
出处 《河北医药》 CAS 2015年第6期819-822,共4页 Hebei Medical Journal
关键词 偏头痛 头痛宁胶囊 动物模型 行为学 症状学 migraine Toutongnning capsule animal model ethology semeiology
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