

Tyler Burge Argument the Compatibility of Externalism and Self-knowledge
摘要 博奇(Tyler Burge)对于内容外在论与自我知识的观念提出许多重要的看法。他主张心理内容部分是由思想者之外的社会环境与物理性质所决定,认为外在论与自我知识观念两者是完全兼容的。该观点遭到很多哲学家的质疑,博奇对各种质疑进行了回应,并对自己的观点进行了有效的辩护。 Tyler Burge raises many important views for content Extemalism and the concept of self- knowledge. He advocates that the psychological content part is decided by the social environment and physical properties of the outside thinkers, and that the content externalism and the concept of self- knowledge are totally Compatible. This point is questioned by many philosophers. Burge has responded to these questions, and defensed his views validly.
作者 蒙锡岗
出处 《自然辩证法研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期103-107,共5页 Studies in Dialectics of Nature
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目"当代心灵哲学视野下的马克思主义意识论研究"(10YJC710042) 贵州省教育厅人文社科项目:"马克思主义意识论阐释范式转换研究"
关键词 心理内容 内容外在论 自我知识 兼容 psychological content content externalism self knowledge compatible
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