中国盲人数量占全球盲人比例较大,而国内导盲犬昂贵且稀少,无法普及,提出一种适合于普通盲人的导盲机器人,在于取代导盲犬,成为广大盲人群体都可以接受的廉价、实用并且便携的导盲工具。本导盲机器人使用搭载Linux(Debian发行版)平台的Raspberry Pi作为系统的中央处理单元,通过五个超声波距离传感器从盲人前进的不同角度收集周围环境距离信息,在超声波传感器初步定位障碍物的基础上,通过摄像头采集图像数据进一步处理判断障碍物位置,融合两种判断结果通过振动信号将障碍物位置和距离反馈给盲人。在实验环境下实现辅助盲人进行躲避障碍物的功能。
Blind people in China account for a large number of global proportion. For the domestic blind guiding dogs are expen- sive, scarce and not universal, this paper proposes a cheap, practical and portable blind guiding robot to replace the blind guiding dog. It uses the Linux (Debian release) platform Raspberry Pi as the central processing unit, uses five ultrasonic distance sensors to collect the distance information from different angles of the forward direction. Based on the initial positioning by the sensors, the camera further determines the obstacle position by collecting image data. The result is feed back to the blind people by vibration sig- nal. The function is realized in experiment environment.
Computer & Telecommunication