
大数据时代的企业信息情报战略 被引量:7

On Enterprises′ Information and Intelligence Strategies in the Era of Big Data
摘要 由于信息通讯技术的发展,以及世界全球化的日益深化,人们获得、储存和处理的信息越来越多,世界进入了大数据时代。面对海量数据,人类处理信息的能力并没有同步增加,注意力稀缺问题日益突出。为此,企业的信息情报战略要从数据驱动方式向理论驱动方式转移。信息的收集和分析都需要有理论(或假设)的指引,需要利用理论(假设)来确定情报工作的方向,信息的选择,以及作为信息分析的基础。但理论(假设)可能出现偏差,为此企业还需要建立防止理论或假设偏差的机制。 Due to the development of information and communication technologies, as well as the deepening globalization, the world has entered the era of big data. Faced with large quantity of data, the human ability to process information doesn't increase in the same pace. Scarcity of attention becomes ever more prominent. Thus, a company's strategies for information and intelligence work should move from the data-driven approach to theory-driven approach. Collection and analysis of information should be guided by theories ( or hypotheses) . Data without supporting theories ( hypotheses) are valueless. As theories ( or hypotheses) can have biases, mechanisms to prevent such bi-ases should be established at the same time.
作者 曾忠禄
机构地区 澳门理工学院
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期1-4,共4页 Journal of Intelligence
关键词 大数据 信息情报 情报战略 情报工作 big data information intelligence strategy intelligence work
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