
一种在线商品评论信息可信度的排序方法 被引量:14

Information Credibility of Online Reviews:a New Ranking Method
摘要 本研究以信息采纳模型为理论支撑,将文本型评论与数值型评论的一致性进行量化,与其他可信度影响因素相结合,提出了一种在线商品评论信息可信度的排序方法,对淘宝中买家给出的评论按照可信度大小进行排序。结果能够反映淘宝中信誉评价的真实情况,帮助买家购买决策。 Applying information adoption model, this research quantifies the consistency of digital type comments and textual comments on the basis of previous research, puts them into the credibility factor of influencing factors, and suggests a new information credibility ranking method of online reviews. Comments in Taobao. com were sorted using this method, the results can reflect the actual circum-stances of the credit evaluation, thus help buyers make the decision.
作者 王倩倩
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期181-185,共5页 Journal of Intelligence
关键词 信息采纳模型 评论一致性 评论可信度 文本型评论 数值型评论 information adoption model consistency of comments credibility of comments textual comments digital type comments
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