The study on motivations of post-games sports is one of the important parts in post-games psychological ad- justment and training of athletes. Through the study of the samples of 166 elite athletes, this research takes self-evalua- tions on their post-games performance by using psychological measurement methods in which the features of the moti- vations of self-verification in post-games performance evaluation of athletes can be investigated indirectly. The research suggests that internal attribution methods and athletes in short training period have higher level self-verification motiva- tions on "solidarity" factor;Second, grade sportsman and athletes ranking in top five have higher level self-verification on "attention concentration" factor. The level of self-verification motivations of athletes' post-games performance af- fects games satisfaction, mood state and psychological fatigue. The rational adjustment aiming at the features of self- verification motivations of different groups of athletes contributes to good competitive condition of athletes.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Engineering:Social Science