

Political Symbolism: the Revolution of 1911 and the Relationship between the KMT and the CCP in Modern Times
摘要 辛亥革命在近代国共关系中具有特殊的政治象征意义。国共两党曾分别从各自政治理论的角度来诠释辛亥革命的成败得失,并为自己的政治行为寻求理论上的合法性。在国共第一次合作时期,中共以辛亥革命的失败来论证反帝反封建的必要性,并把国民党"清党"后的行为视为对辛亥革命事业的背叛;国民党在国共合作初期,也认可了中共对辛亥革命的解释,国共两党由此在反帝反封建的问题上达成了一致;国民党在国共第一次合作破裂以后,则将"北伐"视作辛亥革命的连续。抗战时期,国共两党都从辛亥革命中汲取理论养分,宣扬各自的抗战理念:国民党偏重用辛亥革命的历史来宣扬"抗战建国",突出自己对辛亥精神的继承;中共则以辛亥革命的教训,强调抗战到底、加强统一战线。抗战结束以后,国共两党都力图按照自己的政治学说改造中国,冲突最终变成全面内战。中共正式提出中国共产党是辛亥精神的继承者,必须继承辛亥革命未竟事业,要将反帝反封建进行到底。由于中共正确把握了辛亥革命的真谛,因此最终完成了中国近代反帝反封建的历史任务。 The Revolution of 1911 has special political symbolism in the relationship between the KMT and the CCP. Both of them would explain the success and failure of the Revolution from their own political perspectives and expect to seek after the theoretical evidence for their political behavior. In the first KMT-CPC cooperation period, the CCP took the failure of the Revolution to prove the necessity of the anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism and treated the KMT's behavior of "clearing away the communist" as the betrayal of the Revolution. In this period, the KMT accepted the interpretation of the Revolution of the CCP, thus arrived an agreement on this issue by two parties. In addition, "Northern Expedition" was regarded as the continuation of the Revolution by KMT in the breakdown of the KMT-CCP cooperation at that time. During the war of resistance against Japan, both the KMT and the CCP advocated their views on the basis of the Revolution in terms of the theory : the KMT stressed on the history of the Revolution to promote "the war of resistance against Japanese aggression", highlighting his spiritual successor of the Revolution; while the CCP emphasized to end the war, strengthening united front policies. After the Anti-Japanese War, the KMT and the CCP were trying to transform China according to their own political theory and their conflicts eventually turned into a full-scale civil war. From then on, the CCP formally proposed its spiritual successor to the Revolution and the heir of the unfinished task of the Revolution, for which to fight against the imperialism and feudalism to the end. Due to the true understanding of the Revolution, the CCP finally finished the mission of anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism in the modern history.
作者 夏卫东
出处 《杭州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期127-136,共10页 Journal of Hangzhou Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 辛亥革命 国共关系 反帝反封建 政治符号 The Revolution of 1911 the relationship between the KMT and the CCP anti-imperialism and anti-feudalism po- litical symbolism
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