

Creation and Protection of Plural Public Value in Market Society
摘要 在经济、政治、社会等不同的人类社会生活领域,存在各种被人们所普遍珍视和共享的公共价值,它们被不同的社会主体按照不同的方式创造出来,企业创造经济价值,政府创造政治价值,社会组织创造社会价值。政府的职能可以被重新理解为捍卫和创造多元公共价值,发展则应当被准确定义为各个社会领域多元公共价值的共同增进。然而在当今的市场社会之中,经济价值受到普遍强化而其他公共价值则被削弱。对价值和公共价值的反思,可以让我们的发展之路更加健康、均衡和可持续。 In the human social spheres such as economic, political, and social ones, there are different public values cherished and shared by the general public. They are created by different social entities, as business enterprises creating economic value, government creating political value and social enterprises creating social value. As the core of the whole society, government function is understood as protecting and creating public values. Social development should be defined precisely as the simultaneous improvement of these public values. In the market society, the economic value has been greatly enhanced while other public values have been weakened. By the reflection on value and public value, the social development could be more healthy, balanced and sustainable.
作者 王冰
出处 《石河子大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第1期57-64,共8页 Journal of Shihezi University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 公共价值 市场 经济 政治 社会 Public Value Market Economy,Politics Society
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