
幸福的就业效应——对幸福感、就业和隐性再就业的经验研究 被引量:97

The Employment Effects of Happiness——An Empirical Study on Happiness,Employment and Recessive Reemployment
摘要 幸福不仅是人们生活的最主要目标,而且也是影响人们行为的重要因素。使用2002年和2007年中国家庭收入调查(CHIP)数据,本文评估了主观幸福感对劳动力就业和隐性再就业概率的影响。工具变量估计发现,幸福感上升不仅显著地提高了劳动力的就业概率,而且也显著地提高了失业劳动力实现隐性再就业的概率。同时,幸福感上升增加了劳动力享有的"关系"等社会资本,以及促进了劳动力的工作搜寻努力,是幸福感影响劳动力就业概率的主要机制。因此,以改善民生和提高居民幸福感为目标的增长方式转型,可能不仅不会加剧中国劳动力市场上的就业压力,反而可能缓解劳动力市场上"就业难"和"招工难"并存的结构性矛盾。 The happiness is not only the goal of life, but the determinant of the people's behavior. Based on CHIP data, this paper investigates the impacts of happiness on individual's employment and recessive reemployment probability in China. The instrumental variables estimates indicate that it does increase individual's employment and recessive reemployment probability significantly. And it is realized by promoting individual's social capital and job search. So, the transition of Chinese economic growth mode to improve people's livelihood and happiness, can release the structural contradictions in labor market in some sense without intensifying the employment pressure.
作者 李树 陈刚
出处 《经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期62-74,共13页 Economic Research Journal
基金 国家社科基金重点项目(14AJY009)和青年项目(12CJL022) 教育部人文社科基金青年项目(12YJC790008)的资助
关键词 幸福感 就业 隐性再就业 生产率 社会资本 Happiness Employment Recessive Reemployment Social Capital Job Search
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