Grammatical genders are a common phenomenon in many languages. As a syntactic phenomenon, it is independent from meaning, but its relationship with semantic information is very intricate. Moreover, grammatical genders can influence cognition. First, it has an effect on object categorization and perceptual similarity. People are more likely to judge two objects whose grammatical genders consistently belong to the same category. Pictures and objects which share the same grammatical gender are perceived to be more similar. Second, grammatical genders can facilitate and inhibit cognitive processing. Which role it plays depends on whether tasks require the information of grammatical genders. For example, in the task of naming noun phrases, which requires that the determiners' grammatical gender is consistent with that of the nouns on the syntactic, shorter naming latencies for pictures with grammatically consistent distractor words than for consistent ones. Otherwise, in the task of naming picture with words, the grammatical gender interference effect of the distractor word is observed. Third, it may also affect the second language learning and memory. The impact of grammatical genders on cognition is mediated by multiple factors including language, task, the morphological transparency for gender and so on. In addition, to explore the mechanisms by which grammatical gender might affect cognition has important significance. In terms of conceptual representation, the similarity and gender hypothesis and the sex and gender hypothesis interpret the mechanisms by grammatical gender affecting cognition from the perspective of language development. The basic idea of the similarity and gender hypothesis is that words that have similar syntactic and morphophonological properties also tend to have similar meanings. Nouns that share the same gender are used in the same linguistic contexts, which differs from those contexts in which nouns of a different gender are used. The sex and gender hypothesis is based on the established associations between gender of nouns and sex. It assumes that there is a core correspondence between genders of nouns and sex of their referents for humans, and people can extend this principle to encompass other nouns because there is no direct correspondence but they still refer to sexuated entities. Another alternative mechanism is the double selection (DS) model. It proposes that the locus where meaning and gender interact can be located at the level of the lexical representation specifies syntactic information. Nouns that share the same grammatical gender activate each other, thus facilitating their processing and speeding up responses, either to semantically related pairs or to semantically unrelated pairs. These explanations can provide an in- depth theoretical basis for us to better understand the relationship between language and cognition. Finally, recommendations for future research are discussed, based on this literature review.
Journal of Psychological Science
grammatical gender, categorization, perception, cognitive processing, influencing mechanism