
意义治疗的团体辅导对于戒毒者复吸倾向的影响 被引量:4

The Effectiveness of Logotherapy Group Counseling in Alleviating the Relapse Tendency of Drug Abstainers
摘要 考察意义治疗的团体辅导对于戒毒者复吸倾向的干预效果。选择生命意义感较低的被试18名进入实验组,并选择与其分数匹配的18名被试组成对照组。后测结果表明,与对照组相比,实验组被试的价值感、效能感、成就感和生命意义感均有显著提升,复吸倾向显著降低。结论 :意义治疗的团体辅导能够显著提高戒毒人员的创造性价值类生命意义源和生命意义感,显著降低其复吸倾向。 The effectiveness of current substance abuse treatment programs are being questioned due to its high rate of relapse after treatment. It is crucial to clarify the cause of relapse and to improve the effectiveness of addiction treatment programs. Existential theory and previous qualitative research have suggested that lacking of life meaning caused drug addiction and relapse. So it is essential to enhance the meaning of life for drug abstainers. And Logotherapy is a meaning-centered approach to psychotherapy, developed by the Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl. However, previous research rarely paid attention to improving the effectiveness of substance abuse treatment programs by enhancing the meaning of life. Especially, no quantitative evaluation of the Logotherapy group counseling has yet been undertaken. So the purpose of this article was to assess the effectiveness of Logotherapy group counseling in alleviating the relapse tendency of drug abstainers. According to Logotherapy, we can discover meaning of life via appreciating and actualizing three kinds of values: "creative values," "experiential values," and "attitudinal values". Creative values consist of what we give to the world, such as accomplishing a task, creating a work, or doing a good deed. In the present study, we designated self-values, sense of achievement and self-efficacy as sources of creative values that generate meaning of life. Attitudinal values reflect the stand that we choose to take toward unchangeable situations or unavoidable suffering. So in the present Logotherapy group counseling program, we designed seven themes for enhancing the meaning of life through "creative values", "attitudinal values" and "meaning of life". They were: Understanding the Meaning of Life, Void and Substance Use, Adversity and Grow Up, Creatitvity and Value, Ideal Self and Actual Self, Career and Achievement, Meaning of Life and Dream Commitment. There were five scales mentioned in the current study: the Self-Esteem Scale, the General Self-Efficacy Scale, the Sense of Personal Accomplishment Sub-scale from Maslach Burnout Inventory, the Purpose in Life Test, the Re-addiction Tendency Questionnaire. 633 drug abstainers completed the scales. 18 drug abstainers (9 males and 9 females) with low level of the meaning of life were chosen to be the intervention group according to the result of the PIL on a voluntary basis. And another 18 score-matching drug abstainers were chosen to be the control group. After the intervention, we performed an analysis of variance (ANOVA), comparing meaning of life, creative values sources of meaning (self-valves, sense of achievement and self-efficacy) and relapse tendency between the pretest scores and the posttest scores of the intervention group and the controls group. The results revealed that (1) the posttest scores in meaning of life and creative values sources of meaning (self-valves, sense of achievement and self- efficacy) were significantly higher than the pretest ones for the intervention group. No significant change was found in the control group after treatment (p〉.05). (2) The posttest scores in relapse tendency were significantly lower than the pretest ones for the intervention group. No significant change was found in the control group after treatment (p 〉.05). These findings suggested that Logotherapy group counseling could effectively alleviate the relapse tendency of drug abstainers by improving meaning of life and creative values sources of meaning (self-valves, sense of achievement and self-efficacy). "Creative values" and "attitudinal values" were effective ways to enhance the meaning of life for this population. Therefore we suggested that addiction treatment programs should add the meaning of life as a crucial component.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期468-473,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 意义治疗 团体辅导 复吸 戒毒 生命意义感 生命意义源 logotherapy, group counseling, relapse, drug abstinence, meaning in life, sources of meaning
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