
“世界体系论”的“中心—边缘”概念考察 被引量:22

The Concept of Core-Periphery in the World-System Analysis
摘要 20世纪70年代,依附论由盛转衰并迅速让位于一个受依附论影响很深的理论流派——世界体系论。世界体系论努力阐释世界体系得以产生、巩固和发展的过程及其原因,并对世界范围内的劳动分工进行了细致的分析,从而对剩余价值如何向中心国汇集的问题做出了非常有力的解释。世界体系论所使用的"中心—边缘"概念不同于普雷维什以及依附论所使用的这一概念,赋予它完全不同的性质,以至于这一概念失去了原有的批判力,表现为一组描述性的概念。 In the late 1970 s,the dependency theory began to decline,giving its way to another school of thought named the world-system analysis.The world-system analysis inherited the concept of coreperiphery from Prebisch and dependencies,put it into a more detailed historical analysis,and even remold this phrase by creating a new term of semi-periphery.The world-system analysis attempted to explore the origin,consolidation and transformation of the world-system and to explain how and why the surplus value had flowed into the core through a detailed analysis of the international labor division.However,core-periphery in world-system analysis is only a descriptive term with a lack of criticism,which is essentially different from that in the analysis of Prebisch and dependencies.In other words,though the world-system analysis originating from the core and the dependency theory from the periphery have used the same concept,they are different in terms of theoretical implications and meanings of the concept.Specifically,the dependency theory had raised a claim of breaking the core-periphery structure through explaining the concept,while the world-system analysis used the concept only for description and explanation.
作者 张康之 张桐
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期80-89,共10页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 国家985工程优势学科创新平台项目
关键词 依附论 世界体系论 中心—边缘 半边缘 dependency world-system analysis core-periphery semi-periphery
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