
1908年菲律宾群岛地图研究——黄岩岛主权归属研究之一 被引量:3

Study of a Map of Philippine Islands of 1908:One of Studies on the Sovereignty over Scarborough Shoal
摘要 国内新发现的1908年菲律宾地图,对了解美国和西班牙之间关系及黄岩岛的归属有重要意义。文章认为该地图的绘制与20世纪初期美国缺少一幅比例尺适中、集多功能于一体的菲律宾地图密切相关。该地图鸣谢中所到人物与机构为地图的设计提供可靠而全面的地理与人文信息,揭示了其背后蕴藏的官方背景。"巴黎和约线"是规制菲律宾群岛岛屿范围的岛屿归属线。"巴黎和约线"的设定为黄岩岛不属于菲律宾提供了直接依据。 The newly discovered map of Philippines of 1908 makes significance to comprehend the relationship between the United States and Spain and the sovereignty over the Scarborough Shoal(Huangyan Island).The article considers that this map of Philippine Islands was drawn under background that there was short of a moderate scale map with multiple information about Philippine in the early twentieth century in America.The staff and departments which provide reliable physical and cultural information comprehensively for drawing of the map reveal the official background of map.Paris Treaty Line is a delimitated line of land features belonging to the Philippine Islands with the seven geographic coordinates.The setting of Paris Treaty Line provides a direct proof of Scarborough Shoal(Huangyan Island) not belonging to Philippines.
作者 王胜 华涛
出处 《中国边疆史地研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期17-27,179,共11页 China's Borderland History and Geography Studies
基金 华涛 李国强主持的南海研究项目成果之一
关键词 1908年 菲律宾地图 黄岩岛 巴黎和约线 Map of Philippine Islands of 1908 Scarborough Shoal(Huangyan Island) Paris Treaty Line
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