
阿富汗重建中的大国关系结构 被引量:2

Great State Relations and Afghan Reconstruction
摘要 阿富汗独特的地缘位置使其成为地区利益的交汇点以及周边与域外国家博弈的"棋盘"。这些国家根据各自利益分别采取了不同的对阿政策,并形成了多个复杂的三边与多边关系,这种多边关系结构不仅制约了阿富汗的重建进程,为阿富汗问题的解决增加了难度,同时也释放着巨大的合作潜能,为阿富汗及地区的进一步发展增添了更多可能性。在某种程度上,外部国家在阿富汗形成的多边关系结构决定了阿富汗重建的未来。本文首先介绍介入阿富汗事务的主要外部国家在阿富汗的利益与行动,并在此基础上分析这些国家在阿富汗形成的三边与多边关系结构及其对地区合作的制约与潜存动力。 Afghanistan's unique geo-political location places it at the nexus of regional interests and makes it a 'chessboard' in the great game between both its neighbors and states external to the region.States opt for different policies towards Afghanistan based on their respective interests,resulting in a complex web of trilateral and multilateral relations.These relational structures not only check Afghanistan's progress towards re-construction,they also add difficulty to the resolution of Afghanistan's challenges.At the same time,they also open tremendous space for cooperation towards the development of both Afghanistan and the region more broadly.To a certain extent,the multilateral relational structures established by external states in Afghanistan determine the future of Afghan reconstruction.This article begins by introducing the interests and activities of the key states involved in Afghan affairs,and with this as a foundation,analyzes the trilateral and multilateral relational structures that have emerged.It also considers the ways in which these relational structures create both incentives and disincentives for regional cooperation.
作者 富育红
出处 《南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期13-29,154-155,共17页 South Asian Studies
关键词 阿富汗 外部国家 关系结构 地区合作 Afghanistan External States Relational Structures
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