
句法、语义和语用的互动——从“另外”、“其他”与other、another的对比谈起 被引量:1

The interaction of syntax,semantics,and pragmatics——A comparison between Chinese lingwai/qita and English other/another
摘要 本文从句法、语义和语用的互动出发,比较"另外"和"其他"在名词性短语中的作用,并将它们与英语的other、another做比较。虽然"另外"和"其他"都指称集合中一个已知子集以外的成员,但"另外"对指称对象的单复数没有限制,指称方式可以是全括式也可以是非全括式的,整个短语可以是定指也可以是不定指;而"其他"的指称对象必须为复数,指称方式一定是全括式的,整个短语表示定指。英语的other、another虽然也可以用来表示集合中已知子集之外的成员,但当用"另外"或"其他"来解释这些英语词语时,必须按照相关英语短语的具体意义和用法,有针对性地从中选用一个。 This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the syntactic,semantic,and pragmatic properties of lingwai and qitain Chinese nominal phrases,in comparison with other and another in English.It is discovered that albeit both are used to refer to members apart from a given subset of a known set in the context,[lingwai-X]may refer in either an inclusive or a non-inclusive fashion(corresponding to definite and indefinite readings respectively)and imposes no constraints on the number property of the associated referent(s),whereas[qita-X]has to refer to plural entities in an inclusive manner,hence an obligatory definite interpretation.It is further shown that to properly determine the English counterpart of lingwai/qita out of the candidates such as other and another(with both other and another also being used to refer to members in addition to an already mentioned subset in a contextually given set),one needs to take into consideration the particular semantic and syntactic properties of the other /another-contained expression in question.
作者 金晶 石定栩
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期204-213,320,共10页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
基金 香港教育学院校内研究基金(RG30/2013-2014R)的资助
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