
新西兰氮排放配额与交易制度对中国的启示——以奶牛养殖业为例 被引量:2

The lesson of nitrogen sourcing and trading in New Zealand on China:dairy farming industry
摘要 近年来,排污权有偿使用与交易制度在中国部分省份开展了试点工作,许多大型的规模化畜禽养殖场也进行了排污许可证的申领。针对新西兰奶牛养殖业的污染治理措施进行了研究,梳理其开展污染防治工作的措施体系,以陶泊湖周边施行的氮排放配额与交易为主要对象,阐述了新西兰在养殖业排放配额与交易制度方面的工作实践,其配额基准核定方法、"资源许可证"申领制度、配额交易体系、相关支撑措施在一定程度上具备优势和先进性,对中国的畜禽养殖污染减排工作具有借鉴意义。 In recent years,the compensated use of emission rights and emission trading had been implemented as trial run in many provinces of China.Many large-scale livestock and poultry farms had applied for discharge consents.This article studied the pollution control strategy of dairy farming industry in New Zealand and figured out its methods system of practicing pollution control.Focusing on the nitrogen sourcing and trading of Taupo Lake,this article elaborated their practical labor on resource consent issuing.The benchmarking,consent application,trading system and relating supportive measures had obvious advantages and advancement,which was able to guide the emission reduction of livestock and poultry industry in China.
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期76-79,85,共5页 Environmental Pollution & Control
关键词 新西兰 奶牛养殖业 氮排放配额 交易 畜禽养殖 污染减排 New Zealand dairy farming nitrogen sourcing trading livestock and poultry emission reduction
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