
双低通滤波器法改进电压型定子磁链观测器研究 被引量:8

Improved voltage model of stator flux observer based on double low-pass filters
摘要 针对低通滤波器法电压型定子磁链观测模型所存在的零漂问题,提出了双低通滤波器代替纯积分求解定子磁链的新方法,该方法采用两个不同截止频率和比例系数的低通滤波器,对输入反电势滤波后相减消除零漂。从理论上证明了双低通滤波器法定子磁链观测器能够完全消除直流偏置。根据滤波器的特点,提出了幅值和相位的补偿方法,进一步分析了双低通滤波器中参数的选择对其磁链观测的影响。仿真和实验验证了该磁链观测器的正确性和有效性。 In view of the zero drift problem existing in the low-pass filter method of the voltage model of stator observer,a new method,in which double low-pass filters( double-LPF) with different cut-off frequencies and proportion coefficients are used to eliminate the zero drift influence by subtracting the output of the filters in the input electromotive force,is proposed so as to replace pure integration for solving the stator flux. The reason for improved performance is analyzed theoretically. According to the characteristics of the filters a method for compensation of amplitude and phase is proposed,and the influence of the parameters of double-LPF to flux observation is also analyzed. The validation and effectiveness of the new method are verified by simulations and experiments.
出处 《电工电能新技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期35-40,共6页 Advanced Technology of Electrical Engineering and Energy
关键词 磁链观测 直流偏置 双低通滤波器 误差补偿 flux observer direct current offset double low-pass filters error compensation
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