[目的 /意义]厘清转化研究测度与评估的基础理论和方法体系,推动我国转化医学评估体系的建立和基于证据的转化医学科技政策的制定以及转化医学项目、机构的科学管理。[方法 /过程]对Web of Science和Pub Med收录的有关转化研究测度与评估的文献进行综述,对美国、英国提出的转化医学评估体系进行案例分析。[结果 /结论]国际上对转化研究的测度和评估主要包括两方面:一是微观层面的基于转化研究全谱段上不同属性的研究活动之间的引用网络分析或数据关联分析测度转化研究过程;二是宏观层面的转化研究影响力与绩效评估。目前转化研究的概念包括T模型和过程模型两种,前者强调转化研究的阶段和基本要素,适于从微观层面对转化研究过程进行测度;后者强调转化研究的关键步骤和里程碑式成就,适于从宏观层面对转化医学研究机构、相关专项计划或基金资助绩效进行评估。现阶段我国的转化医学应重视"在国际已有成果基础上开展转化研究"的模式,在我国重视发展转化医学的背景下,加强对具体医学领域转化研究过程的测度分析、对适合我国转化医学发展的科研成果评价体系以及转化医学研究中心绩效评估体系的研究。
[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to clarify the basic theory and method for translational research measurement and evaluation, to develop the evaluation system of translational medicine in China, make scientific policy of translational medicine based on evidence and scientifically manage related projects and institutions. [ Method/process] It makes the literature review on PubMed/Web of Science publications and case studies on evaluation systems proposed by US and EU communities. [ Result/conclusion ] Previous studies mainly focuses on two aspects, the first is translational research measurement from the micro level, using citation network analysis and data linkage analysis among publications with different research levels in the translational spectrum. The second is translational research impact and performance as- sessment from the macro level. The translational research includes two models of the T models and the process models. The former describes "phases/components for translational research in different blocks", and is appropriated for measuring and identifying the emergence and interface of translational research. While the latter describes the process of translational research, and is appropriated for evaluating and improving the performance of translational research. It is better to conduct translational medicine research based on the international established basic research outcomes in China. This paper points out that it is currently imperative to make the measurement analysis in the process of translational research in the specified medicine field, to improve biomedical research evaluation frameworks and to develop performance metrics of translational medicine research center suitable for translational research work in China.
Library and Information Service
translational research
science policy
citation network analysis
data linkage analysis
performance evaluation