
抗菌药物应用时机与剖宫产术后感染的相关性研究 被引量:19

Study on relationship between timing of use of antibiotics and postoperative infections in pregnant women undergoing cesarean section
摘要 目的探讨不同时机给予抗菌药物对剖宫产产妇术后感染的影响,为临床合理应用抗菌药物提供依据。方法选取剖宫产产妇120例,随机分为两组,A组61例、B组59例;A组产妇在术前30min给予抗菌药物,术后不使用抗菌药物;B组产妇术前不使用抗菌药物,在术后连续使用3d抗菌药物,对两组产妇感染发生、伤口愈合、术后住院时间以及住院费用采用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析。结果产妇感染率A组为6.56%、B组为8.47%;产妇切口甲级及乙级愈合率A组分别为98.36%和1.64%,B组分别为98.31%和1.69%,两组产妇均无丙级愈合者;产妇最高体温A组(37.79±0.32)℃、B组为(38.11±0.29)℃,两组比较差异均无统计学意义;产妇住院时间和住院费用A组产妇均明显少于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论剖宫产术前30min单次给药与术后连续使用3d抗菌药物相比均不增加感染率,也不影响伤口愈合,而且用药疗程短、术后住院时间短和住院费用均较少,因此在术前30min给予产妇抗菌药物应用以预防剖宫产术后感染是一种较为理想的给药方式。 OBJECTIVE To explore the effects of different timings of medication on postoperative infections in preg‐nant women undergoing cesarean section so as to provide guidance for reasonable clinical use of antibiotics . METHODS A total of 120 pregnant women who underwent the cesarean section were enrolled in the study and ran‐domly divided into the group A with 61 cases and the group B with 59 cases ;the group A was treated with antibi‐otics at 30min before the surgery and was not given antibiotics after the surgery ,while the group B was not treated with antibiotics before the surgery and was given antibiotics for three straight days after the surgery ;the incidence of infections ,wound healing ,postoperative hospitalization duration ,and hospitalization cost were statistically ana‐lyzed by using SPSS13 .0 software .RESULTS The incidence of infections was 6 .56% in the group A ,8 .47% in the group B .The class A incision healing rate was 98 .36% in the group A ,98 .31% in the group B ;the class B inci‐sion healing rate was 1 .64% in the group A ,1 .69% in the group B ,neither groups had the class C incision heal‐ing .The highest body temperature was(37 .79 ± 0 .32)℃ in the group A ,(38 .11 ± 0 .29)℃ in the group B ,there was no significant difference between the two groups .The length of hospital stay and hospitalization cost of the group A were significantly less than those of the control group (P〈0 .05) .CONCLUSION Both the single drug ad‐ministration at 30min before the cesarean section and the drug administration for 3 straight days after the surgery can not increase the infection rate nor influence the wound healing ,with the treatment courses short ,and the post‐operative length of hospital stay and hospitalization cost are less .The use of antibiotics at 30min before the cesare‐an section is an ideal drug administration method to prevent the postoperative infections in the pregnant women .
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期1164-1166,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
基金 河南省卫生厅科技基金资助项目(HW-2010B-086)
关键词 抗菌药物 剖宫产 术后感染 Antibiotic Cesarean section Postoperative infection
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