[目的]为了科学制定施肥方案,有针对性地指导柑橘园施肥.[方法]根据土壤类型、产量水平和地形等因素,对丹江口市柑橘园0-30 cm土层的土壤样品进行有效养分测试.[结果]土壤样品有机质平均含量为12.4 g/kg,73.1%的柑橘园含量偏低,土壤pH适宜柑橘生长的比例达到96.6%.土壤碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾普遍缺乏,缺乏比例分别为87.5%、88.7%、55.6%.有效铁、锰、铜、锌、硼缺乏比例分别为10.9%、7.8%、9.0%、70.4%、81.8%,有效锌和有效硼缺乏严重.石灰(岩)土有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量均高于黄棕壤和紫色土,土壤pH也偏高,不同土壤类型各微量元素有效养分含量差别不明显.[结论]针对土壤养分状况,在生产中应增施有机肥,加大氮磷钾肥料施用量,同时注意硼肥和锌肥的施用.
[ Objective ] The research aimed to establish the fertilization schedule scientifically and guide the fertilization in citrus orchards spe- cifically. [ Method] According to the soil type, yield level and topographical factors, top soil (0 -30cm) samples collected from citrus or- chard in Danjiangkou City were tested and classified. [ Result] The average content of organic matter was 12.4g/kg, and 73.1% orchards were in low status. The proportion of soil pH suitable for citrus growth was 96.6%. The deficiency rate of available macro-nutrients N, P and K was 87.5% , 88.7%, 55.6%. The deficiency rate of available Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B was 10.9%, 7.8%, 9.0%, 70.4% and 81.8%. Organic matter and available macro-nutrients N, P and K of limestone soil was higher than that of yellow brown soil and purple soil. pH of limestone soil was high. The difference of different types of available Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and B wasn't obvious. [ Conclusion] According to the soil available nutrient status, it was suggested that more organic fertilizer and N, P and K fertilizer should be used in the citrus orchard. At the same time, attention should be to paid in the application of B and Zn fertilizer.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Citrus orchards
Soil type
Avaiiable nutrients