
社区支持农业模式探究 被引量:2

The Exploration of the Mode of Community Supported Agriculture
摘要 近年来,消费者对食品安全性提出了更高的要求,在此背景下,使得社区支持农业(CSA)这种新型农业模式在我国开始兴起并发展。CSA拥有多种传统农业生产销售模式不可比拟的优点,它对农业的发展起着推动作用,对农业销售方式的转型也有一定的启示意义。然而,CSA模式在发展过程中也暴露了其一定的局限性,如需要耗费大量人力、物力,农产品价格偏高,信任度问题,会员流失,等等。总体而言,CSA模式的未来发展前景令人期待,但也需采取适当措施加以改进。 In recent years, the consumers put forward the higher request with food safety. As a result, the new agricultural pattern which is called "Community Supported Agriculture " begins to rise and develop. CSA has a variety of incomparable advantages compared to the traditional agricultural production and sales mode. "It plays an important role in giving impetus to the development of agriculture and enlightening us on the the transformation of the mode of agricultural marketing. However, CSA also has its own limitations, such as spending a lot of manpower and ma- terial resources, higher price of agricultural products, trust problem, membership loss, and so on. In general, the future development prospect of CSA is expected , but some appropriate measures should be taken to improve the development of CSA.
作者 郭小浩
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2015年第8期274-275,共2页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 社区支持农业 绿色农业 食品安全 农民收入 Community supported agriculture Green agriculture Food safety Farmers' income
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